There is no security in this life, only opportunity.

– Douglas Macarthur

Tiz always morning somewhere in the world.
–Richard Henry Horne

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore, Dream, Discover."
–Mark Twain

Thank you for the journey!


It is with a full heart and profound gratitude that I write today, on behalf of Ernie and myself, to thank all of you for this journey, for the business and the laughter and joy you brought us, for the privilege of being entrusted for over four decades with your financings and being chosen again and again as your tax, bond, disclosure and trustee counsel, as your co-counsel, as your trusted colleagues and most importantly, as your friends and collaborators.


After serving for over 40 years in municipal finance (and owning our own boutique law firm for nearly 25), where we were privileged to work collaboratively with all of you on innovative and challenging financings and with supportive teams that made each year better than the last, Ernie and I have made the bittersweet decision to close Soeder & Associates to pursue other dreams and adventures.  This decision is made infinitely easier because we do so, confident in the knowledge that all of you will be in the kind and capable hands of the experienced teams of professionals we have been privileged to work with throughout the years- teams of individuals whose passion and vision and view of stewardship of the states and cities and agencies and businesses we serve will ensure the highest level of experience, professionalism and confidence as you move forward.


The beauty of our business is that the collegiality and combined experience of the industry transcend time and individual participants and stand as a beacon that illuminates the highest standards of public service. As we move forward in our new ventures, and entrust all of you, our treasured friends and colleagues, to new alliances and adventures, I smile and hear the sweet voice of Winnie-the-Pooh pondering “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”  And realize that perhaps there are no goodbyes when something becomes so deeply embedded in one’s heart.


Au Revoir (Until We Meet Again)….


Lisa Soeder



We hope you’ll stay in touch!

NEW contact information:

Lisa Soeder


Ernie Lorimer

© 2024 Soeder-Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.